Monday, September 20, 2010

Thoughts on the Transition

Parents And Teachers Working As Partners

In many ways the adjustment to kindergarten is similar to your child's first transition to preschool or child care. Children need to feel secure in their new school and understand the daily routines.

For many children the entrance into kindergarten means different transportation, new classmates and teachers, larger classes,experiences with older children in higher grades, navigating the layout of a large school building, encounters with the school nurse,principal, secretaries, custodians and others.

Kindergarten offers challenge to all children in literacy, mathematics and social skills and research shows that success during this first year may predict later school success. Adults view kindergartens as being more focused than preschools with greater academic expectations and increased independence from children.

Questions To Ask Kindergarten Teachers

  • How can I prepare my child for kindergarten?
  • How will my child spend his day?
  • Are there opportunities for children to choose their own activities?
  • Will my child learn to read?
  • What are the academic goals of kindergarten?
Excerpted from:

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